Guitar pedals always bring us a lot of joy here at MONO. And like a lot of musicians, we’re always on the go, so protecting our pedals is a top priority. We’d like to share some tips for the best ways in which you can protect them and ensure that you’re able to keep making sweet sounds.
Whether you’re travelling short or long haul, pedals need to be properly protected so they can do their job properly. If you have only have a couple of pedals then bubble wrap is cheap to buy online and also a great means of keeping them safe. If you have a stack of pedals then a pedalboard case is a great investment, allowing you to keep your pedals in place and saving valuable time you’d otherwise spend setting them up. At all times, you want to make sure your pedals are kept bone dry and away from extreme heat or cold.
Always make sure your pedals have functioning batteries and keep plenty of spares on standby just in case, Similarly, it’s a good idea to ensure that you have a working power supply (or two) on hand for those occasions when batteries either run out or are hard to find. Spare leads of varying size are also a smart investment.
If you’re making any journeys by airplane then doing some research is a must – some airlines may have strict guidelines about what you can and can’t carry on board with you, even going so far as to making rules about whether or not pedals should have batteries in them when you take them on board. And as we’ve pointed out, any sort of insurance if a must.
Take a look at some of the great pedalboard cases we have here.