Live shows may be off the books for now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay creative and productive.
Over the past two months, our followers have been sharing some of their favorite stay-home activities during this time of social distancing.
We’ve collated some ideas here to inspire you to make the most of these difficult times.
Set up your home workstation
Your home may be your only creative space for a while.
Take the time to carve out a conducive area that will help you stay focused on your work and allow your creativity to flow.
Give your instruments some TLC
Take the opportunity to get some maintenance work done on the tools of your trade. You won’t have the same amount of time to do so when you’re back on the road.
Fine-tune your pedalboard
We all know how much of a beating (and kicking) our pedalboards take onstage.
Use the time to set things straight — clean up the dust, build new patch cables and isolate all of the noise.
You can even throw on some new pedals to help keep you inspired while you’re practicing at home.
Looking for board inspiration? Check out our #monopfx hashtag for some of the best MONO pedal systems around.
Our Pedalboard Rise was also featured in Premier Guitars’ 10 Add-Ons to Spruce Up Your Pedalboard
‘Get in the shed‘
As if it wasn’t obvious enough (but a reminder never hurts).
Practice, record that next album, create more content — there’s so much you can do now to hone your craft and artistry while you’re offstage.
Matthew Gamboa playing over one of his lofi beats
Marty Midgard has been going live on Instagram and Facebook every Saturday while he records his next album for The Midgard Project
An incredible bass cover by Kemy Siala
Spend time with your loved ones
And most importantly, remember to get your loved ones in on the fun.
MONO artist Thaddaeus Tribbet spending time with his daughter in his home studio